Words Change The World
Your hope moves you to share what you have learned. You have experience, you have knowledge, and you have a message. The words you share have power. Words change the world because words move things. They move ideas, money, and people.
1. Words Change the World of Ideas
When you step from the realm of applying information into the realm of sharing it, things change. When the goal is to use words to change an outcome, you are entering the realm of persuasion. And that is a big deal!
Progress happens when ideas build upon ideas. If you can build on existing knowledge and propose a new idea, you are part of this process. You are inspiring progress.
Words move ideas forward. Those ideas can change the world. Your words change the world.
2. Words Change the World of Money
In the 1990s, an economist at the University of Illinois, Deirdre McCloskey, worked to discover the economic impact of “sweet talk” – one person persuading another to take action. She focused on 250 occupations involving 140 million civilians. Then she removed the occupations where persuasion did not play a significant role (i.e., construction workers, home appraisers). She focused on professions where 90% of their time involved persuasion (i.e., public relations specialists, consultants). Her research led her to this conclusion.

Persuasion is responsible for generating 25% of our national income. And she predicted that the percentage is going to rise. (www.jstor.org/stable/2117917).
In 2013, it was estimated that the percentage was 30% (https://treasury.gov.au).
This is not the only thing that words move, but it is a big thing. Words move things that create money or require money. Perhaps your big idea will save money. Perhaps your suggested process will generate money. It could be that your proposal will move money into areas of poverty. The movement of money can change the world. In that way, words change the world.
3. Words Change the World of People
“I don’t know where I would be if I had not received the encouragement I needed.”
“It is scary to think of where my life would have gone, if not for the accountability I received.”
“I am eternally grateful for the comfort given by the kind words.”

In small rooms all over the world, words are encouraging people who are facing fear, overcoming addiction, or recovering from trauma. People credit their hope to the words of a friend or leader.
When you improve your ability to use words, you become more powerful. You can move ideas, you can move money, you can move people. Your words can change the world.
In upcoming blogs, you will learn how to best use your words to change the world.
For even more information, purchase Big Presentations in Small Rooms.
So… What are some examples you have experienced where words moved ideas, money, or people?